இலங்கை இராணுவம் இன அழிப்பு செய்ததற்கான ஆதாரம் கண்டிப்பாக வயது வந்தவர்களுக்கு மட்டும்



இலங்கை இராணுவம் இன அழிப்பு செய்ததற்கான ஆதாரம் கண்டிப்பாக வயது வந்தவர்களுக்கு மட்டும்

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20 yo %28approx%29 woman raped and killed 01 32cf9e86c408d2b3d0adc0ed2e6e3721f9fbc483 53rd-division 2014-06-10-deadisaipriya 10712778_786154824755106_1173008059111471025_n1-500x264 1353480939 1385681666 1394603702 1394609791 5104059871_6ae1740ec2_z  5104641314_066881a001_o army_vanni_003 download (2) download Gang-Rape-Victim hqdefault (1) hqdefault image_x images (1) images (2) images (3) images (4) images isai_perija_1852009_3 Isaipriya-222 killing-12 lanka-abuses_350_032312021530 May2009_l mex2 mqdefault

In this photograph released by the pro-LTTE website on May 2 are what they say show some of the 64 people killed and 87 wounded by shelling at a makeshift field hospital in Mullivaikal...In this photograph released by the pro-Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) website, obtained by Mercy Mission, on May 2, are what they say show some of the 64 people killed and 87 wounded by shelling on May 2, 2009 at a makeshift field hospital in Mullivaikal, in the south of the last scrap of land held by the guerrillas. The military denied the report saying the LTTE may have set off explosions near the hospital. Sri Lanka has disregarded heavy Western pressure to call a truce to protect tens of thousands of civilians trapped by the LTTE in the war zone, a 5-square km (2-sq mile) strip of coast. It is difficult to get a clear picture from the war zone, which is generally off-limits to outsiders.       REUTERS/  (SRI LANKA MILITARY CONFLICT POLITICS) QUALITY FROM SOURCE. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. TEMPLATE OUT
In this photograph released by the pro-LTTE website on May 2 are what they say show some of the 64 people killed and 87 wounded by shelling at a makeshift field hospital in Mullivaikal…In this photograph released by the pro-Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) website, obtained by Mercy Mission, on May 2, are what they say show some of the 64 people killed and 87 wounded by shelling on May 2, 2009 at a makeshift field hospital in Mullivaikal, in the south of the last scrap of land held by the guerrillas. The military denied the report saying the LTTE may have set off explosions near the hospital. Sri Lanka has disregarded heavy Western pressure to call a truce to protect tens of thousands of civilians trapped by the LTTE in the war zone, a 5-square km (2-sq mile) strip of coast. It is difficult to get a clear picture from the war zone, which is generally off-limits to outsiders. REUTERS/ (SRI LANKA MILITARY CONFLICT POLITICS) QUALITY FROM SOURCE. FOR EDITORIAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR SALE FOR MARKETING OR ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS. TEMPLATE OUT

No-Fire-Zone-scene-011 sri-lanka-11-24 Tamil-civilians-stand-beh-001 tamil-genocide tamil-people


Trophy photo of soldier & rape victim. Sri Lanka's Tamil people are deemed terrorists - an unfair and dehumanizing project that led to bloody Genocide. tumblr_inline_nk94cgvqKU1qb1icv Une-haitienne-rétrouvée-violée-et-tuée-sur-la-fontière-de-Dajabón untitled War-Crime-1 (1) war-crime-225x300 warcrims-4 x207056.jpg.pagespeed.ic.KmeXeeObnx